Explaining Tiny Ants in Kitchen


How come you had opened the cupboard at least 20 times this week and you had not noticed them? But now you do, you start looking around the house… Ok, let’s start with the cupboard itself…

You check the bread crumbs and they are full of them. Then you look at the jam jars, and they seem to be fairgrounds for the unwelcome guests. Then you look more closely at the floor, and just by the kitchen, making a beeline for some crumbs you inadvertently dropped, there they are again!

“No, no,” you think, “let me check the rubbish…” With eyes as big as that of an owl you give away astonishment: these creatures are just swarming the bin… There they are, climbing up and walking out with (in comparison to their own size) huge pieces of food, some many times bigger than themselves!

What are we talking about? Naturally, our minuscule guests are tiny ants, ants in the kitchen.

Some Facts about Ants

bunch of ants

There are an amazing 22,000 species of ants in the world (this is an estimation), of which the smallest, known as fairy wasp, is only 0.2 mm and it is barely visible at the naked eye, while the largest and, the bullet ant can be a whopping 4 cm long; that is 200 times bigger than the fairy wasp.

Yet, they are all related and share similar characteristics. Ants can have a pretty long life by insects’ standards and live to the venerable age of 15 years.

They are animals who live in large colonies; as we know, an ant nest can have many thousands of inhabitants, all children of the same mother; but hold yourself tight! The most populous colony of ants known is the one living in Japan, on the Ishikari coast of Hokodaio: known to cover a whopping area of 2,7 Km2, the size of a small town, it has the population of the USA – a breathtaking 306 million inhabitants!

They are omnivores, which means that they feed on both vegetables and meat; some ants have taken even to growing their own crops (mushrooms, grown by cutter ants) and of course, breed animals; in fact, they literally breed aphids to suck the sugary excreta of the tiny insects.

They are also known to be particularly strong; an ant can carry up to, hold on, not 10 times as is commonly reported, but an amazing 50 times of their body in weight. It is as if a human could carry something weighing approximately 30 to 35 tonnes! They are also very intelligent and they are known to recognize paths and food very precisely.

Although they have poor eyesight (some species are actually blind), they recognize things (including food, etc.) through an impressive perception of chemicals; basically, if they sense that there is something very nutritious in the vicinity, they will prioritize it over other possible sources of food.

And their society is so well organized that they can do it in a matter of minutes. So, leave a jar of honey open and you will be sure to have a huge number of ants flocking to it. Ironically, they could be used to gauge which food is good for us…

Why Do You Have Tiny Ants in Your Home?

This is the question you may wish answered, of course, if you have found them. To start with, tiny ants are more difficult to spot than bigger ones; not only, but they may find it easier to get inside homes than bigger ones.

Yes, because they just need to find a small fault, crevice, a tiny, tiny hole, or simply a weak spot in the structure of your home through which they can burrow, that the tiny little creatures can get in.

You are more likely to find these minute insects in your home if you have one of the following:

  • An old house; if the mortar and bricks of your home are old, they are mor likely to have holes and structural damage which tiny ants can use to get through.
  • A wood house; of course, wood houses are easier to penetrate by ants, for many reasons, one that they can easily develop holes (wood changes and warps with times) and because the ants themselves will find it easier to chew through wood especially low quality wood, like plywood etc., but they will, if necessary, even chew into hard and good quality wood).
  • A home in the countryside; naturally, if you live in the countryside or have a garden, you are more likely to find tiny ants in your home. That is because they are, by nature, animals that would normally live in the wild, but they can adapt to human spaces quite easily.
  • Live on the ground floor; if you live on the ground floor (or a low floor), ants will find it easier to get into your home. This is because, of course, their provenance is from the ground, and you are just nearer.

So, if your house falls under one of these categories, but also if it does not, you may happen to find tiny ants in your kitchen feasting at your expense… What should your first steps be if this happens?

What Can You Do if You Find Tiny Ants in Kitchen?

food crumbs attracting ants in kitchen

The first thing is not to panic. To start with, ants are not dangerous to men, meaning that they do not carry any infection or disease.

Ants you find eating away at some leftover sweets in your cupboard certainly do not pose any threat to you, your pets, or your children and family. They are, to be fully honest, a minor nuisance. So, there is no need to over-worry.

What is more, there is absolutely no need for any chemicals or insect killers. To start with, ants are not just some of the most fascinating animals on the planet, they are also some of the most useful.

Secondly, using toxic chemicals around your house also means risking the health of other animals, of your pets and of your children, and of course even yours. Finally, toxic chemicals will end up in the environment and will pollute it. No, fail.

The first thing you may wish to do is clear all the cupboards of open and half-eaten food; do it at night or after sunset, when the ants are eating for your own comfort and for theirs.

If you do it after the Sun has set, you will avoid messing about with the little ants (they may sting if disturbed, but, above all, they will not end up lost in a rubbish bin miles away from home) and you will also find it easier to just chuck things away. Then, put any food you open in sealed containers from now on.

And will that suffice? No, it won’t, but what you are about to discover in the next section will.

The Best Solution to Tiny Ants in Your Kitchen

ant repeller

So, as you cannot use poisons, and live ant traps are as ridiculous an idea as it gets, what is the real solution to having tiny ants in your kitchen? The answer is quite technological, actually and it is called Ultrasonic Ant Repeller by Finita Pesto.

“What is it,” you may ask? Well, although it is a highly technologically advanced machine, I will try to explain the key concept to you in easy words. It is like a loudspeaker or the speakers of a radio.

The only difference is that the sounds that come out from it cannot be heard by human ears. That is because they are ultrasounds, that is sounds produced at above 20,000 Hertz.

“What has it all got to do with tiny ants,” you may wonder? Well, the fact is that ants do hear ultrasounds and they find those produced by Ultrasonic Ant Repeller by Finita Pesto very disturbing, so, they will simply find your home inhospitable and leave. You will be amazed to see how fast ants can move a whole nest (eggs and food included) to a different place. In fact, you will see them starting to leave in no time at all. And within a week, all the tiny ants will have left.

No need to say that Ultrasonic Ant Repeller by Finita Pesto is effective, permanent, and safe; because it does not involve the use of chemicals and of any other substances, you will not risk your health, that of your children nor that of your pets.

How do you use it? Simple, just stick it on a wall or on top of a cupboard, switch it on and relax; you will not even be aware that it is sending all the tiny ants away because you will not hear it, but it will start working immediately and, if after 7 days you are not happy with the results, you have a full money-back guarantee.


Finally, there is an efficient, safe, permanent and fast solution to tiny ants in the kitchen, but how much does it cost? It will actually cost you only $59.95 on a normal day, but as this is your lucky day, I am reading that Ultrasonic Ant Repeller by Finita Pesto is currently being sold at an impressive 50% discount, and you will only spend $29.95!

So, if you have seen tiny ants in the kitchen and want to get rid of them, hurry up and you can sort the problem out fast, efficiently, safely, and also save a lot of money!