5 Most Common Types of Ants in Your Home

types of ants


There is one uninvited guest that everybody hates, but almost everyone gets – Ants! Ants are a nuisance in schools, homes, parks, and businesses.

Most people differentiate ants by their color, either red or black. However, there are over 12,000 different types of ants.

This article will only look at the common species found near or in homes. Read on!

How to Identify Ants

Ants are easy to identify. They are usually dark brown, black, tan, or red.

Like any other insect, an ants’ body is subdivided into head, thorax, and abdomen. Typically their size ranges from 0.25” to 0.5” depending on the species and the role in the colony.

Ants may differ in shape and color but share the following characteristics:

  • They have 6 legs
  • They have two bent antennas
  • They have a muscular middle part called the thorax that is connected to the legs
  • They have an abdomen, also known as a gaster which holds the digestive system and the heart
  • They have 6 legs
  • Their back wings are smaller than the front wings
  • They have a conspicuous waist

Difference Between Ants and Termites

Ants are similar to termites and often bring confusion, especially since both are infamous for causing wood damage. During reproduction, termites are similar to most ant species. And because both of them mate during springtime, they are often confused by homeowners.

  • Body Shape

The major difference between an ant and a termite is their body shape. Ants have a conspicuous waist, while termites have a broad waist.

  • Antenna

Ants antennae are bent or elbowed, while termites have a little ball-like antenna.

  • Diets

Termites eat wood and wooden structures to get cellulose from the wood. Do ants feed on wood?

No, instead, ants excavate wood to make homes in the structures. Ants feed on other insects or leftovers in the garbage and kitchen in case they invade your home.

  • Visibility

Termites are secretive, and it is not easy to detect them with the human eye. In fact, you are more likely to notice the signs of termite damage before spotting them.

The key signs are mud tubes, discarded wings, termite pellets, or wood damage. On the other hand, ants move in line to forage for food and are easily seen in homes.

  • Attractants

Both ants and termites are attracted to moisture. Naturally, they are also attracted to wood and use it as an entry point to your home.

However, the attraction list deviates from there. As mentioned earlier, ants do not feed on wood; therefore, they are attracted to other food sources, and you may notice them wandering on baseboards and trash cans.

Common Types of Ants in Your Home

You may know ants around your home by many names, such as army ants, black ants, flying ants, or sugar ants. However, there are so many types of ants, and professionals are required to identify the different species.

Most professionals distinguish them by their nesting location, behavior, and dietary needs. Let us meet the ants.

Acrobat Ants

Acrobat ants primarily nest outside in moist wood or damaged structures. Their color ranges from yellowish-brownish to brown and reddish-blackish to black.

These types of ants are about 2mm to 3mm in length.

When they feel threatened, they lift their abdomen over their heads like a scorpion. Unlike other ants, these ants are aggressive and sting. Luckily, they are not your frequent home invaders.

Characteristics of Acrobat Ants

  • They have two nodes
  • They have a stinger
  • They feed on proteins and sweets

Argentine Ants

These types of ants have one node and are about 2 to 2.8 mm in length. They are outdoor ants and nest in voids and wall insulations.

They emit a stale smell when stepped on. They are primarily found in California, Hawaii, or Southeastern US.

Characteristics of Argentine Ants

  • They do not have a stinger
  • They are light brown
  • They feed on fats, proteins, and sweets

Crazy Ants

Just like Argentina ants, crazy ants have one node. They are brown or black with an antenna and long legs.

These types of ants are nesters and form colonies in both dry and moist environments. These ants nest in the garbage, mulch, soil, heavy vegetation, or plants when outdoors.

Indoors, they are found in wall voids, in houseplants, or under the carpets. Crazy ants move around intermittently when disturbed, and this is where they got their name from.

Characteristics of Crazy Ants

  • They have no stinger
  • They have slender bodies
  • They appear to be confused
  • They feed on insects and sweets
  • They are between 0.06” to 0.125” long
  • They are mainly found in the Southeast and Southwest of the US

Fire Ants

Fire ants are mostly outdoor ants and nest in lawns, gardens, and shrubbery. They may form habitats in warm areas such as water heaters or under the bathtubs during the cold seasons. When disturbed, these types of ants are aggressive and may sting.

Characteristics of Fire Ants

  • They have two nodes
  • They are red with a brownish abdomen
  • They have a stinger
  • They feed on high-protein foods
  • They are mainly found in Canada, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, and Rhode Island

Carpenter Ants

There are hundreds of variations of carpenter ants in the world. These types of ants are structural pests. Due to their different variations, their physical appearance can be broad.

The average species is between 6mm and 13mm in length. Carpenter ants excavate trees and lumber to create nests.

When indoors, they are found in roofs or moist woodwork areas. Some species may sting when disturbed.

Characteristic of Carpenter Ants

  • They have one node
  • They have no stinger
  • They have large jaws on the head
  • When indoors, they eat food debris and leftovers
  • They vary in color from red, brown, to black
  • They are found all over the US

Cheap and Natural Way to Get Rid of Ants

If you search online on how to get rid of ants, you will get hundreds of results, but you have no idea what method will work. Here is a list that will save you from all the hassle of sifting through the pages.

  • Vinegar

Wipe all the surfaces such as cupboards, countertops, and any other place you spotted ants with a 1:1 solution of vinegar and water. Keep repeating the process throughout the day for the best results.

Why Does This Work?

Ants follow the same route in and out of your home, creating a scent trail. Vinegar removes these scent trails. In addition to clearing ant trails, ants hate the smell of vinegar.

  • Spices and Essential Oils

Sprinkle black pepper, chili, mint, cinnamon, or garlic in all the areas where you’ve noticed ants as well as your home foundations. Additionally, place bay leaves in drawers, containers, and cabinets to keep off ants. Some essential oils such as citrus, cinnamon, or peppermint have also proven to deter ants.

Why Does This Work?

Many plants like the ones mentioned above emit strong scents that repel ants. As a precaution, keep the essential oils away from pets and children and avoid using peppers.

  • Chalk/Baby Powder

Draw a line across where the ants are going in the house. This acts as a barrier and stops them from crossing. Keep refreshing your chalk line once in a while.

Why Does This Work?

No one knows how this ‘magic’ works. Some people state it’s because ants hate chalk’s calcium carbonate. Others state that it’s because the chalk line interrupts the ant’s scent trail.

Whatever the reasoning, it always works. Try it and get rid of the ants.

Final Thoughts

There are many other types of ants species considered pests because of foraging food in homes. Some are a threat, while others are a mere nuisance. Did you know that ants can transmit diseases?

Stinging ants, though rare, can cause anaphylactic shock to humans and animals when they sting them.  Contact pest control experts for proper identification and treatment if you are concerned about ants in your home.