Does Killing Ants Attract More?

does killing ants attract more


There is a heated debate about whether killing ants attracts more ants. 

Some argue that by killing an ant, you’re essentially sending a distress signal to the rest of the colony, informing them that there’s a problem and that they should come help. Others argue that simply destroying an ant nest will enrage the ants, who will undoubtedly retaliate. 

But does it actually work to kill ants? Or does it merely exacerbate the situation? 

Let’s take a closer look at this problem and see what science has to say about it.

Do Other Ants Get Sad When an Ant Dies?

No, it’s as simple as that. When other ants die, ants do not mourn or cry. They do have their own rituals when a member of their community dies, but they do so for selfish reasons.

does killing ants attract more

It all comes down to biology, specifically their sense of smell and how they communicate with one another.

We’ll go over what ants do when another ant dies and why they have such rituals, so keep reading.

Keen Sense of Smell

Ants are incredible creatures. They not only have the ability to lift objects many times their body weight, but they also have an incredible sense of smell. 

Ants use their sense of smell to find food sources from a long distance away and to construct intricate networks of tunnels between their nests and these food sources. When an ant is on its way to a specific location, it will emit pheromones along the way. 

These pheromones act as a breadcrumb trail, allowing the ant to return to its nest. Other ants in the colony can follow the pheromones to the same location.

So, What Happens When an Ant Dies?

When an ant dies, it releases a chemical known as oleic acid. This may sound like something out of a horror film, but it’s an important part of ant communication. When an ant smells oleic acid, it realizes that another ant has died. The living ant will then rush over to the carcass, removing it from the colony. 

Some people believe that the living ants will eat the dead ones, but this is not true.

What are the similarities between ants and humans in such situations? We both bury our loved ones. Although ants do not bury their dead, they do place them in middens, which serve as ant cemeteries. This may not appear to us to be a burial, but it is a way for ants to grieve for their dead while also protecting the rest of the colony. 

does killing ants attract more

When an ant dies, other ants carry its body to the midden. The midden is usually located outside of the nest so that the death does not contaminate the rest of the colony. Once in the midden, the body is forgotten and left to decompose.

Therefore, when an ant dies, the others will come to collect the body of a dead ant as their method of self-defense.

Many people believe that ants eat the bodies of dead ants because of an alarm mode. The scent of a dead ant will occasionally set off a scented alarm. It causes ants to go into a self-preservation attack mode. As a result, the ants will sometimes swarm the body and tear it apart violently.

What Happens When a Queen Ant Dies?

A queen ant’s death is more significant than a worker ant’s death for one very important reason: the queen ant is in charge of reproduction. 

The queen ant lays eggs, and the workers are born when the eggs hatch. As a result, without a queen, the colony will eventually perish. The workers are well aware of this, and they take great care to keep their queen safe. When a queen dies, her body is carried to the midden, where it is disposed of. 

While the death of an ant is tragic, the death of a queen has far-reaching consequences for the colony as a whole.

Do Ants Play Dead Sometimes?

Given that ants are among the most industrious creatures on the planet, it’s perhaps not surprising that they have a few survival strategies up their sleeves.

“Playing dead” is a behavior that ants have been observed doing on occasion. When faced with a predator, an ant may lie motionless on its back, pretending to be dead in the hope that the danger will pass. 

does killing ants attract more

This strategy does not always work, but it is preferable to doing nothing. In any case, it’s clear that ants are adaptable creatures who will go to any length to survive another day.

Is It Common for Ants to Avoid Dead Ants?

Ants will only avoid other dead ants if they have released them in the midden or if there is still danger nearby. 

When an ant dies, it emits pheromones that warn other ants that they are in danger. Other ants will not notice that the ant is dead when they arrive because it takes time for the dead ant to release oleic acid. 

As a result, the ants assess the situation to determine whether or not there is danger nearby. If there is a threat, the ants will leave the body and return later to collect it.

Final Words on Does Killing Ants Attract More

Ants are annoying little creatures that can swarm in large numbers, but does killing them attract more ants? The answer, according to research, is yes. They are drawn to the site but only due to a pheromone trail left by the dead ants. 

So, the next time you’re tempted to exterminate an ant invading your kitchen or bathroom, reconsider. You may be causing more harm than good.

If you have ants invading your home or yard, however, try using our tips for methods and traps to get rid of them efficiently. 

Thanks for reading!